Monday, February 14, 2005

Welcome to The Marriage Mailbag

I am The Postmaster. I know all. People share with me their most intimate thoughts, thoughts which are never shared with another living soul, or, perhaps, are shared with every living soul that crosses their path, as well as certain animals and maybe house plants. But I digress. On to the issue at hand.

There is, in many parts of the world, a debate raging over marriage. What does it mean? Who can take part in it? How many tears does the Lord Jesus shed when two men are joined in matrimony? The Postmaster has opinions, but that is not my raison d'ĂȘtre. The Postmaster is here to share with you from The Marriage Mailbag the deepest thoughts of humankind regarding this topic.

It will not always be pleasant. The deepest thoughts of humankind are often hateful and ignorant, and poorly punctuated. You may find yourself perusing some of the most befuddling use of the English language ever recorded. You may see logic and reason bent and contorted like so many Cirque du Soleil performers. Consider yourselves duly warned.

The Postmaster is no sadist. Letters will not be edited, and there will be no ghastly [sic] notation showing to all the world that the author should be allowed no more access to the written word than a hemophiliac should dance the tarantella in a crystal shop. The Postmaster acts only out of the goodness of the heart, or whatever part of the brain it is from which goodness originates, or from the soul, if that is what the reader chooses to believe. What is so kindly shared with me, let me, in turn, share with all.

Come, rummage through my canvas bag, and let us journey together through the wonder that is the human mind.


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